All crucibles, alumina, magnesia and zirconia to name a few, are manufactured in Capital's own modern purpose-built facility in the Czech Republic where we press, cast and fire various materials into crucibles.
Capital Refractories is able to supply a full range of isostatically pressed crucibles from 2 kg capacity to 75 kg, in different grades and qualities. We use a state-of-the-art semi-automated cold isostatic press. Cold isostatic pressing applies pressure to the workpiece in all directions producing products of uniform density.
The advantages of Isostatically Pressed Crucibles are:
Crucibles are produced by vibration casting (vibrocast) when the required size or shape is uneconomical or impractical by the isopressing production method.
Capital Refractories can offer a range of vibration cast crucibles, including T-Pot Ladles:
Complex shapes, e.g. internal pouring siphon
To complement our range of crucibles we also offer numerous ancillary products and materials used within the investment and related foundry industries.
Quality | Description |
Alumina... | General purpose crucible. Used for wide range of alloys. |
.....AL97I | Superior erosion resistance |
.....AL88I | Improved thermal shock resistance |
Magnesia... | High resistance to basic slags and titanium alloys. Used in vacuum melting of Ni, Co and Fe based alloys |
.....MG88I | Used in vacuum melting of Ni, Co and Fe based alloys |
.....MG95I | Resistant to the special alloys used in semi-conductor and sputter target industries |
Zirconia | High resistance to acid slags. Wide use in vacuummelting of superalloys. |
.....ZC93I | .....General applications. |
.....ZC95I | .....High thermal shock resistance. |
.....ZC96I | .....Fine grained structure. |
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