Capital team complete innovative Speed-Line installation

EXPERTS from Capital Refractories Ltd have completed a re-line of a 20 tonne tilt rotary furnace using our groundbreaking Speed-Line big block system.

The team completed the project last week, meeting the customer’s time constraints. The system allows for installation with a short dry out schedule ensuring minimum loss in production time.

The Speed-Line blocks are designed and manufactured at our headquarters and manufacturing base in Clowne, Derbyshire, UK, and fully dried to ensure minimum downtime at the customer’s site.

Options for the blocks vary according to the application required and include: higher specification materials in high wear areas, possible increase in furnace capacity with thinner linings and raised blocks to mix the charge.

For further information or to discuss how your operation could benefit from our Speed-Line big block system, email:
Or call: +44 (0) 1246 811163.

Click on the link below to see our YouTube video on Speed-Line.

Click here for more information.

Capital team complete innovative Speed-Line installation

Capital team complete innovative Speed-Line installation